1st Battalion Cambridgeshires Graves at Kranji
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The Moore Papers
No 7 Adam park
1st Battalion Cambridgeshires War Diary 1st to 15th February 1942
Personal Donations
Whittington Barracks
A Collection of Portraits of the Officers from 1st Battalion Cambridgeshires
Personal Donations
A Collection of Portraits of the SNCO's and OR's from 1st and 2nd Battalion Cambridgeshires
The Adam Park Project
Adam Park Battlefield - Bukit Timah to Mount Pleasant
Battle Maps for Adam Park
Martin Andrews
11 Adam park
Captain Eric Andrews - St Michael's Chapel, Adam Park, Choral Register and Congregational Roll p.285
TAPP Archaeology Surveys
No.17 Adam Park
Features and Depressions in the Garden of No.17 Adam Park
AWM, Changi Museum, TAPP
Adam Park Sime Road
Hidden Tunnels at Adam Park and Sime Road p.312
41st Regimental Archives
Collter Quay, Turf City, Various
Photo Album of Lt Tadao Tomita, 11th Regiment, 5th Division. p.69